September 21, 2007

Costco has the GeoTrax Grand Central Station Mega Set with Nice Bonuses

I just got back from Costco and I found they are carrying a special GeoTrax Grand Central Station Mega set for only $43.99. The mega set comes with some nice bonuses. The following items are included in the set:

* The entire GeoTrax Grand Central Station set (MSRP = $49.99)
* Opie and Woohoo Push Train GeoTrax Set (MSRP = $4.99)
* NEW Team GeoTrax--All Aboard! DVD (2 animated episodes) (MSRP = ?)

If you figure the DVD would probably cost you at least $4.99 to buy separately you are looking at about $60 worth of stuff for only $44.

Here is a little bit more about the GeoTrax Mega Set...

You are probably familiar with the GeoTrax Grand Central Station set by now, if not here is a picture of the base set before any bonuses.

GeoTrax Grand Central Station

Opie (the figure) and Woohoo (the push train) are also known as "The Most Confused Team" -- they seem to be called that because Woohoo is the only train in the GeoTrax family to have a double hitch on one of its cars.

Opie & Woohoo--The Most Confused Team

The GeoTrax DVD is called "Team GeoTrax--All Aboard!" and it contains two animated episodes called "New Train in Town" and "The Legend of Old Rust". Each episode lasts 11.5 minutes for a total running time of 23 minutes. There is also a bonus episode of Planet Heroes included on the DVD which runs about 25 mins.

GeoTrax NEW DVD called Team GeoTrax--All Aboard!

Here is a little bit more about the animated episodes directly from the packaging the DVD comes in...

"New Train in Town"
How fast is too fast? That's what Aero & Eric learn after they challenge their new teammates to a race their very first day in GeoTown. They go too far too fast and end up hanging from a bridge? Do they find a way out? Can their teammates save them? Tune in and see!

Watch the "New Train in Town" episode online.

"The Legend of Old Rust"
The old tunnel is said to be haunted by a ghost train. But Aero & Eric think it's a great shortcut. Are they brave enough to face a ghost...or is it just a face from the past? Are you brave enough to tune in and see for yourself?

Search eBay for the items mentioned in this post:
* GeoTrax Grand Central Station Mega Set
* GeoTrax Opie & Woohoo
* GeoTrax DVD

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