July 22, 2007

GeoTrax High Chimes Clock Tower - New Blue Version Released

The original Sky High Suspension Bridge was released in red, but a special blue version of the bridge was available to those who purchased the Deluxe Elevation set exclusively on Fisher-Price.com.

Throughout the GeoTrax user community the blue Suspension Bridge became highly sought after. You can read a forum discussion on GeoTraxWorld regarding a blue bridge posted on eBay including its final auction price.

Could this phenomenon have anything to do with Fisher Price's decision to release a blue clock tower? Funny how just changing the color of something can make it exciting again. Fisher Price is ready to re-release the High Chimes Clock Tower...

GeoTrax High Chimes Clock Tower (Blue & Red)

A closer look at the clock reveals a few other small modifications from the original design. The new clock comes with a play figure and the windows on the third level have been transformed into a small balcony providing a place for the clock keeper to stand. It looks like FP has also gotten rid of the the rotating dial towards the top of the clock that was used to change the musical tune being played by the clock.

GeoTrax High Chimes Clock Tower Instruction Sheet

Learn more about the GeoTrax High Chimes Clock Tower by reading the instruction sheet. You can also see the following colored images on the Fisher Price website:

* Blue GeoTrax High Chimes Clock Tower
* Close-up of the balcony window and clock keeper
* High Chimes Clock Tower and Alpine the Train

Keep an eye out for the new High Chimes Clock Tower on eBay (Wow, look how much the old clock towers are selling for).

1 comment:

  1. Toysrus.com actually is listing the blue High Chimes Clock Tower for $15.99 on their website, and it's in stock. They are also listing a new Sky High Suspension Bridge with a person (possibly blue? there's no picture yet on the website) for $9.99. They seem to have all of the new geotrax toys in stock now.
