April 14, 2007

GeoTrax Track Layout Ideas - Quick Tip #2

I finally bought some of the newer T-Track (or double-switch) pieces--I now have two T-track pieces. One I got when I purchased my Lift N' Load Quarry and the other I got from the City Track Pack set. I have been playing around with my T-track pieces and I came up with some interesting ideas building on the concept of a figure-8 layout.

There are a lot of ways you can create a figure-8 track layout with GeoTrax. The basic figure-8 layout is a quick way to get my youngest child up and running with a simple track layout that doesn't take up a lot of space and keeps her entertained while I am trying to build a more complex layout. Here is a quick picture of what a figure-8 layout might look like.

Figure 8 track layout
Figure 8 track layout broken apart to show pieces better

You can modify this same concept by adding the T-track pieces into the mix. Your figure 8 has more of a square look but adds some alternative paths to the layout for your trains. Here is what mine looks like...

Figure 8 track layout using T-track pieces

Or you can combine these two ideas together into something that looks like interlocking figure 8's (or a 4-leaf clover) which can then be altered in a way to allow for off and on ramps for the clover leaf design. Check this out...

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